Nano Computing

The biggest revolution when it comes to computers will be computers inside us.  A lot of people will resist at first and a lot of ethical dilemnas may have to be sorted out but within a foreseable future many computerized units will work within us, enhancing our capabilities and helping us stay healthy.

Pacemakers have been helping people stay alive for decades. More recently, more prototypes of various computerized devices have been appearing at a rapid rate for various use such as regulating moods, helping handicapped people move see or speak. Although in a more distant future, brain machine interfaces will take a big role (more on that in another article), they are still expensive, big, require surgery and provide limited functionality. I therefore do not foresee them making them enough progress in the near future to become of widespread use.  This is still good enough to be useful for helping people such as Steven Hawking speak, blind people get a rough vision of their surrounding and limited medical use.

However, there will be an increasing niche of agent devices providing the following features: